Police Background Check (Vulnerable Sector Check)
According to Section OR3.01(a) of the Ontario Lacrosse Association Screening Policy:
“All OLA bench personnel (coaches, staff, trainers, etc.) and all OLA certified officials (box and field)
who are 18 years of age as of January 1st of the current year who coach or officiate athletes 17 years of age or
younger must submit a current Criminal Record Check (Vulnerable Criminal Record Check) (CRC) upon
registering for the current year. For previously approved individuals, an Offense Declaration must be submitted
as per OR3.01(b). It is the position of the OLA that all OLA member clubs with additional registered volunteers
who have direct contact with athletes 17 years of age or younger also submit a CRC.”
If you are new to coaching or volunteering with a team you will need to obtain a police vulnerable sector check (police background check). You can do this through any one of the methods outlined below. When complete, upload the PDF or image (JPG) of your completed form to your SportzSoft account profile.
For returning coaches, you do not require a new background check. Download the Offense Declaration Form below. Complete and scan and email to our privacy officer.
If you require a volunteer letter from Quinte Minor Lacrosse Association, you can find it here.
Quinte Minor Lacrosse Association is in a partnership agreement with Sterling Backcheck in an effort to expedite a cost-effective solution for volunteer screening. Founded in 1975, Sterling Backcheck is an international provider of screening services, including criminal record checks, to the Canadian voluntary sector.
QMLA members can now go online to obtain the necessary criminal record check for OLA registration. The fee for the background check is currently covered by QMLA and most reports are prepared within 24 hours (and can be shared with various non-profit organizations). All results are confidential to end users.
Click on the link below to begin your background check:
Alternatively, you can obtain a background check through the police service serving your jurisdiction:
If you are a resident of the City of Belleville (including Corbyville, Foxboro, Plainfield, Roslin and Thurlow) a Police Vulnerable Sector Check can be obtained through an online third-party provider on the Belleville Police website for $20.00. Click the following link to go there:
If you are a resident of the City of Quinte West (including Frankford, Batawa and Bayside), visit the following website to obtain the necessary forms and information:
OPP Criminal Record Checks and Police Checks
If you are a resident of a different municipality than those above, visit the website of your local police jurisdiction for information on how to obtain a background check.